Secale Linn., Sp. Pl. 1: 84. 1753. Gen Pl., ed. 5, 36. 1754; Boiss., Fl. Or. 5:670. 1884; Sultan & Stewart, Grasses W. Pak. 2:324. 1959; Bor, Grasses Burma Ceyl. Ind. Pak. 677. 1960; Bor in Towns., Guest & Al-Ravi, Fl. Iraq 9:258. 1968; Bor in Rech.f., Fl. Iran. 70:213. 1970; Tzvelev, Poaceae URSS 171. 1976; Heathcote in Tutin et al., Fl. Eur. 5:203. 1980.
Annuals, biennials or perennials. Leaf-blades flat or rolled. Inflorescence usually a simple, laterally compressed, dense spike. Spikelets solitary at each node of the tough or fragile rhachis, sessile, distichously arranged, with 2-3 bisexual florets, the rhachilla produced and bearing a further rudimentary floret; glumes linear-subulate, 1-nerved, keeled, scabrid; lemma lanceolate, 5-nerved, keeled, with rigid spines on the keel and a long, straight scabrid awn from the tip; palea 2-keeled.
A genus of 6-8 species in Europe, West and Central Asia and South Africa; 3 species occur in Pakistan, 1 of them cultivated (rye).
Lower Taxa
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