Smithia Ait., Hort. Kew.ed. 1 (3):496.t.13. 1789. (conserved name); Baker in Hook.f.,Fl.Brit.Ind.2:148.1876; Cooke, Fl.Bomb. Pres. (revised ed.) 1:357.1958.
Herbs or undershrubs. Leaf pinnately compound, leaflets 14-24, opposite, asymmetric at the base. Stipules prolonged below into a biauriculate appendage, 1 auricle short and round, the other long and linear. Inflorescence an axillary, umbel-like, scorpioid cyme. Bracts entire, scarious, shorter than the flower. Bracteoles present below the calyx. Calyx bilabiate, lips entire or slightly toothed. Corolla red or blue, wing subequal to the vexillum. Keel petal with a lateral appendage almost equalling the claw. Stamens diadelphous, 5+5, altenately long and short, anthers uniform. Ovary stipitate, 2-9-ovuled. Fruit stipitate, with semi-orbicular, smooth or tuberculate joints, enclosed within the calyx.
A genus with about 30 species, distributed in the Old World Tropics, mainly in Asia and Madagascar, represented by 1 species in the Flora area.
Lower Taxon
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