Stachytarpheta Vahl, Enum. P1. 1:205. 1805 (nom. cons.). Clarke in Hook. f., l.c. 564; Cooke, l.c. 500.
Herbs or shrubs, with opposite or alternate, entire or dentate leaves and long, terminal spikes. Flowers sessile or somewhat immersed into the rachis, bracteate, small. Calyx-tube narrow, 5-lobed or toothed, persistent, not enlarged in fruit. Corolla-tube cylindrical, as long as the calyx; limb subequally or equally 5-lobed. Stamens 4 but only 2 anterior fertile and with divergent anther cells, included. Ovary 2-locular with 1 ovule in each locule; style filiform with capitate or subcapitate stigma. Fruit dry, linear-oblong, splitting into two, 1-seeded pyrenes; seeds linear, erect, exalbuminous.
About 100 species, mostly in tropical and subtropical America; represented here by 1, cultivated, ornamental species.
Lower Taxon
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