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Pakistan | Family List | Papilionaceae

Taverniera DC., Prodr. 2:339. 1825. Mem. Leg. 339.1826; Ali in Biologia 12:73.1966.

Branched undershrub. Leaf unifoliolate or pinnately trifoliolate, leaflets obovate or orbicular, stipules scarious. Inflorescence an axillary raceme. Bracts minute, bracteoles small. Calyx teeth subequal. Corolla persistent, keel subequal to vexillum, wing small. Stamens monadelphous or diadelphous, 9+1, anthers uniform. Fruit flattened indehiscent with 1-3 joints, breaking up into 1-seeded parts.

A genus with about 7 species, distributed in Africa, Middle East to India, locally represented by 4 species.

1 Stem and leaf glabrous (sometimes young leaflets with a few hairs)   Taverniera glabra
+ Stem and leaf pilose   (2)
2 (1) One-seeded part c. 6 mm or more wide, fruit appendages profusely hairy   Taverniera lappacea
+ One-seeded part c. 5 mm wide, fruit appendages scantily hairy or glabrous   (3)
3 (2) Plant densely pubescent, stem white, leaves reduced or absent; keel c. 9 mm or less long   Taverniera spartea
+ Plant not as above, stem not white, leaves well developed; keel 8-14 mm long   Taverniera cuneifolia

Lower Taxa

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