14. Thevetia Adans., Fam. Pl. 2:171. 1763. DC., Prodr. 8:343. 1844; Benth. & Hook. f., Gen. Pl. 2:699. 1876; Bailey, St. Cyclop. Hort. 3:3322. 1950; Bor & Raizada, Beaut. Ind. Climb. Shr. 193. 1954; Woodson & Schery in Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 57:88; 1970.
Glabrous small tree or shrub, usually with milky latex. Leaves alternate, 1 -or pinnatinerved, leathery with interpetiolar gland, sessile to petiolate. Inflorescence cymose or racemose, axillary or terminal. Flowers large, showy, with bracteoles. Calyx with ± equal, spreading, acute, glandular lobes. Corolla funnel shaped-campanulate, twisted in bud; tube cylindrical with a bell-shaped throat. Stamens included, inserted at the top of the tube free from stigma. Disc annular or absent. Carpels free; ovules 2-4 in each carpel; styles, united above; stigma broad, angular, Fruit a drupe, broader than long.
A genus with about 10 species, native of tropical America represented in Pakistan by 1 cultivated species.
Lower Taxon
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