15. Wattakaka Hasskarl in Flora. 40:99. 1857. Huber in Abeyw., Fl. Ceylon 1:50.1973; Stevens in Saldanha & Nicolson, Fl. Hassan Distr. 455.1976.
Twining shrubs with watery sap (milky in the fruit). Leaves ovate, firm but not fleshy. Flowers in pedunculate umbelloid cymes, solitary at nodes. Calyx lobes ovate or ovate-lanceolate, acute, glabrous. Corolla green, rotate, lobes twisted to right in bud, margin ciliate. Corona single, of 5 fleshy truncate lobes with an apical tooth projecting horizontally inwards, attached to the upper part of staminal column. Anthers with the connective produced into a membranous appendage. Pollinium solitary in each loculus, ascending without a pellucid margin. Follicle ovoid-oblong, longitudinally grooved, apex subtruncate.
A genus with 2 species distributed from India to South China and Malesia; represented in Pakistan by the following species.
Lower Taxon
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