Ephedra intermedia Schrenk & Meyer in C.A. Meyer, Versuch & Monogr. 88,. 1846; Parker, For. Fl. Punjab. 536. 1918 (Fig. 6, F-I).
Shrubby plant up to 50 cm tall, branches usually many, erect to spreading, striate, minutely tuberculate, internodes straight or slightly bent. Male strobili up to 8, whorled; bracts obovate, connate; staminate column slightly exserted.Female strobili paired or in whorls. Tubillus exserted, slightly bent. Berry ovoid, red. Seeds ± 6 mm long, brownish.
Type: In Songariae collibus versus Tarbagatai, Schrenk (LE).
Distribution: C. Asia, W. Siberia, Afghanistan eastward to Kashmir & Tibet.
In the specimens studied, there seems to be no substantial difference between the glauca (Regal) Stapf and var. tibetica Stapf. The former, confined to Baluchistan, is said to differ in the more numerous and rigid branches. F7. Per.: May.