Humulus lupulus Linn., Sp. Pl. 1028. 1753. Hook. f. l.c.; Bamber Pl. Punj. 576. 1916.
Clockwise twining climber with stout root stock. Stem 3-6 m. tall, scabrid or prickly. Leaves broadly ovate, more or less cordate at base, usually deeply 3-5 lobed, serrate, 6-12 cm in diameter, lobes acuminate, petiole shorter or equal to blade. Male panicle 7.5-10 cm. in diameter with c 5 mm across flowers. Female inflorescence 12-15 mm. in diameter with yellow flowers; bract 10 mm. long, ovate, acute, pale green ; styles purple. Etaerio of achenes 3-4 cm in diameter.
Type: Europe, Herb. Linn. 1178.1 (LINN).
Distribution: North America, South Europe, Western Asia.
Hop has been reported to be cultivated in N.W. Himalayas and Kashmir.
Used. for brewing and in medicines.
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