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Pakistan | Family List | Mimosaceae | Albizia

Albizia procera (Roxb.) Benth. in Hook., Lond. J. Bot. 3. 89. 1844. Baker in Hook. f., Fl. Brit. Ind. 2: 299. 1878.

  • Mimosa procera Roxb.

    A large deciduous tree. Leaves alternate, bipinnate, rachis c. 30-45 cm long with a large gland near base of the petiole, pinnae 2-6 pairs, 12.5-15 cm long, a gland is present between the uppermost pair of the leaflets, leaflets 4-16 pairs, obliquely oblong-ovate, more or less hairy below, obtuse, emarginate or shortly apiculate apex. Inflorescence peduncled head, fascicled or in axillary or terminal panicles. Flower c. 5 mm long. Pods shortly stalked, c. 10-20 cm long.

    Fl. Per. June-August.

    Distribution: Native of Central India, east of Jamna; Burma; much planted in Punjab as a roadside tree.


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