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Pakistan | Family List | Mimosaceae | Calliandra

Calliandra haematocephala Hassk., Retzia. 216. Parker, For.Fl.Punj. ed.3.202.1956.

A shrub with brown bark. Leaves alternate, bipinnate, up to 14 cm long, pinnae paired, 10-11 cm long, leaflets opposite, more or less sessile, 4-8 pairs, 1.5-3 cm long, lanceolate, apex acute slightly curved on one side near the apex, coriaceous. Flowers in axillary heads, scarlet. Calyx campanulate toothed. Corolla funnel-shaped, deeply 5 cleft. Stamens indefinite, monadelphous at the base, filaments filiform, much exserted. Ovary stalked, many ovuled; style filiform, stigma minute, capitate. Pods strap shaped, slightly falcate, flat.

Distribution: Native of tropical America, cultivated in Punjab, not common.


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