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Pakistan | Family List | Caesalpiniaceae | Cassia

Cassia sophera Linn., Sp. Pl. 379. 1753. Baker in Hook. f., Fl. Brit. Ind. 2: 262. 1878; de Wit. l.c. 265; Ali & S. Quraishi l.c.

Vern.: Jangli-takla; Ran-takla.

Erect shrub, 1-3 to tall. Leaf 14-21 cm long, petiole glandular near the base; stipules c. 6 mm long, caducous. Leaflets 4-12 pairs, 3-9 cm long, 1.5-2.8 cm wide, oblong to ovate-oblong or lanceolate, tip acute. Flowers in axillary pedunculate 4-10 flowered corymb. Pedicel 10-14 mm long, bract 4-5 mm long. Sepals c. 6 mm long. Petals 6 mm long. Stamens 10, 3-4 much reduced. Pod 9-10 cm long, 0.5-1 cm broad. 30-40 seeded.

Fl. Per.: November-January.

Distribution: Country of origin doubtful, pantropical. Naturalized here and there in Punjab, occasionally cultivated.

An ornamental tree. It is also reputed to be a medicinal plant. Bark, leaves and seeds are cathartic; root is considered to be expectorant. Leaves are anthelmintic and antiseptic.


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