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Pakistan | Family List | Papilionaceae | Desmodium

Desmodium laxiflorum DC. in Ann.Sci.Nat.Paris ser. 1.4 : 100. Jan. 1825. Prodr.2:335, Nov.1825; Baker in Hook.f.,Fl.Brit.Ind.2:164.1876; Cooke, Fl.Bomb.Pres.(reprint ed.) 1:376.1958; Talbot, For.Fl.Sind 394.1911; Parker, For.Fl.Punj.3rd.ed. 152.1956 ; Ohashi l.c. 101.1973.

  • Desmodium difusum DC.

    Undershrub, 60-150 cm tall, stem woody, pubescent when young. Leaf trifoliolate, petiole 2.0-7.5 cm long, the terminal leaflets 7.0-15 cm long, 3.0-7.0 cm broad (lateral leaflets smaller), ovate, elliptic or broadly lanceolate, acute or subobtuse, glabrous above, appressly pubescent below, petiolules c. 2.5 mm long, stipels 6-7 mm long; stipules c. 10 mm long. Inflorescence terminal and axillary raceme, 15.0-25.0 cm long. Bracts and bracteoles linear, acute. Pedicel 5-7.5 mm long. Calyx 2.5-3.0 mm long, hispid, teeth slightly exceeding the tube. Corolla 6-7 mm long, vexillum white, wings and keel blue. Fruit 2.5-4.5 cm long, 6-10-jointed, both sutures slightly undulate, each article c. 4.5 mm long, pubescent, hairs hooked, minute.

    Fl.Per.: August-October.

    Holotype: Nepal, Wallich (G-not seen).

    Distribution: Kashmir, Pakistan, India (Punjab, Kumaon, Garhwal, Bengal, Assam, Madhya Pradesh, Bombay, Madras), Nepal, Sikkim, Bhutan, Indonesia, Borneo, Philippines.


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