Medicago minima (Linn.) Grufb in Linn.Amoen. 4:105. 1759. Boiss., Fl.Or.2 :103.1872; Baker in Hook.f.,Fl.Brit.Ind.2:497.1876. Heyn in Bull.Res.Counc. Israel 7D:157-174.1959.
Medicago polymorpha var. minima Linn.
Annual, pubescent, hairs simple or mixed with glandular hairs. Petiole up to 8 mm long, leaflets 5-10 mm long, 2-7 mm broad, obovate, rarely oblanceolate, pubescent on both surfaces, retuse to emarginate, toothed; stipules entire or toothed. Inflorescence a 2-6-flowered, peduncled raceme, peduncle generally longer than the petiole. Calyx 2-2.5 mm long, finely pubescent, teeth as long as the tube. Corolla up to 4 mm long. Fruit with 3-5 coils, spines variable, from short tubercles to long hooked spines, inserted slightly removed from the marginal border.
Fl.Per.: April-July.
Lectotype: ‘the illustration accompanying Medica echinata minima’ J. Bauhin & Cherler, Hist.Pl.Un.2:386.1651 (Heyn, l.c.).
Distribution: Kashmir, Pakistan; Europe; N.Africa and Cape, Asia (except the desert areas), introduced in North and South America (Heyn, l.c. 1963).
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