Medicago sativa Linn., Sp.Pl. 778. 1753. Boiss.,Fl.Or.2:94.1872; Cooke l.c. 327; Davis, Fl.Turk.3:488.1970.
Vern.: Lasan.
Mostly erect to suberect perennial herbs, 30-60 cm, pubescent to subglabrous. Leaflets 5-20 mm long, 3-10 mm broad, obovate to sublinear, dentate at apex, appressed pubescent; entire or dentate at base. Inflorescence a peduncled raceme, peduncle much longer than petiole. Calyx teeth as long as the tube. Corolla 6-12 mm long, violet to pale lavender. Fruit falcate or in a loose spiral of 11-4 turns, glabrous to appressed pilose, 10-20-seeded.
Fl.Per.: May-September.
Type: Described from Spain and France, Herb. Linn.933/6 (LINN); Herb.Cliff. (BM).
Distribution: Pakistan, India, Central Asia to Europe, Orient and N. Africa; widely cultivated.
Lucerne or alfalfa is widely cultivated as fodder.
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