3. Rhamnus virgata Roxb., Fl. Ind. 2:351. 1824. Collett, l.c., Kitam. l.c. 177. 1955; R.R. Stewart, l.c. 467; Browicz & Zielinski, l.c.
Rhamnus dahuricus Lawson
A much branched almost glabrous, decidious shrub or small tree, usually branches ending in stout sharp thorns. Leaves opposite to sub-opposite, variable in size and shape, elliptic-lanceolate ovate or obovate, 2-10 cm x 1-6 cm, membranous, slightly pubescent when young, serrate-crenate, acuminate, cuneate, lateral nerves curved or converging, petiole 5-6 mm long, ± pubescent, flowers in the axils of the leaves, 4-merous, unisexual, pedicels 5-8 mm long wiry. Flowers 4-5 mm long, calyx c. 4 mm long, lobes c. 2.5 mm long, lanceolate, acute, longer than the hypanthium, c. 2 mm long. Petals spathulate c. 1.5 mm long. Disc glabrous, thin. Fruit obovoid c. 7 mm long 2-4 seeded, seeds shining grooved on the back, ovoid, dark brown. c. 5 mm x 2 mm.
Fl. Per.: April-June.
Type: Described from Nepal.
Distribution: Afghanistan, N .W. Pakistan, Kashmir, India, Bhotan, Burma. (China?).
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