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Pakistan | Family List | Malvaceae | Abelmoschus

Abelmoschus crinitus Wall., Pl. As. Rar. 1:39. t. 44. 1830. Borss., l.c. 103; Stewart in Nasir Ali, &Ann. Cat. Vasc. Pl. W. Pak. Kash.475. 1972.

  • Abelmoschus cancellatus (Roxb.) Voigt
  • Abelmoschus hainanensis Hu
  • Bamia cancellata Wall.
  • Bamia crinita Wall.
  • Hibiscus cancellatus Roxb.
  • Hibiscus crinitus (Wall.) G. Don

    Erect herb, 0.5-1.5 m tall; roots usually tuberous. Branches, petioles and pedicels simple and stellate hairy, usually hispid or hirsute. Leaves 10-15 cm long and broad, orbicular or broadly ovate, cordate at base, simple or stellate usually hirsute, angular or 5-7 lobed, coarsely serrate to dentate; stipules 1-2 cm long, linear to filiform; petiole 1-18 cm long. Flowers axillary, usually solitary; pedicel c. 2 cm long, in fruit up to 3 cm. Epicalyx segments 10-16, 2.5-5 cm long, 0.5-1 mm broad, linear. Calyx 2-2.5 cm long. Corolla 6-7 cm across, yellow with a purple spot in the centre; petals 6-8 cm long, 4 cm broad, obovid. Staminal column c. 2 cm long. Capsule 3.5-5 cm long, 2.5-3.5 cm across, ovoid to globular, simple and stellate pubescent, hirsute. Seeds 3-3.5 mm across, globular or reniform, black, rusty tomentose or glabrous.

    Holotype: Burma, Prome, Wallich 1922 (K-W!).

    Distribution: South Asia, China, Malesia (Java) and Philippines.

    In Pakistan it is of rare occurrence and very few persons have reported from this area, such as Falconer (fide Masters 1874), Duthie (1899) and Deane (1907) from N.W.F.P. and R.R. Stewart (1972) from Panjar, Rawalpindi District.


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