Daphne odora auct.
Evergreen shrubs upto 2 m tall. Stem glabrous, younger shoots tomen¬tose. Leaves scattered, elliptic-oblong to lanceolate, 6-14 cm long, 2-3 cm broad, glaucescent, coriaceous, subsessile. Flowers white, sessile, in terminal clusters of 4-9. Involucral bracts 5-7, ovate, c. 1.4 mm long, imbricate. Calyx tube c. 1 cm long, tubular, pubescent, 4-lobed; lobes c. 4 mm long, ovate, spreading. Stamens 8, 2-seriate, included, subsessile. Ovary ovoid to ellipsoid, 3.5 mm long, glabrous; style obscure, stigma capitate. Fruit c. 1 cm long, ovoid, dark red, succulent.
Fl. Per. March-April.
Type: E. Kumaon, R. Blinkworth, Wallich 1045/2 (K-W).
Distribution: W. Himalayas, Western Nepal, N. Uttar Pradesh, Simla, W. Pakistan.
A shrub with white flowers; found in forest undergrowth from 1700-3300 m. In Nepal and Kumaon paper is made of the inner fibrous bark.