4. Cynanchum auriculatum Royal ex Wight, Contrib. Bot. Ind. 58. 1834. Hook. f., Fl. Brit. Ind. 4:25. 1883; Collect, Fl. Simi. 318. 1921; Parker, For. Fl. Punj. ed. 3:345. 1956.
Perennial, stem twining, hollow, glabrous except for a band of hairs running along the internodes. Leaves 6.5-15 cm x 5-12.5 cm, broadly ovate to ovate-lanceolate, deeply cordate, acute to acuminate, margin often undulate, sparsely pubescent with short appressed hairs to glabrous above, puberulous on the nerves beneath, basal nerves 5-7, few small conical glands at the base of the midrib. Petiole 2.5-8.0 cm long. Many flowered cymes on 3-15 cm long, peduncle, arising singly at node, puberulous. Pedicel 1.2-1.3 cm long, slender puberulous. Bract up to 8 mm long. Calyx c. 4.5 mm long, lobed almost to the base, ciliate. Corolla white to yellowish-green, c. 6-8 mm long, divided nearly to the base, lobes pubscent within. Corona cupshaped, deeply 5-lobed, lobes oblong, obtuse bearing 5 small scales on the inner faces. Style apex conical, 2-lobed, slightly exserted beyond the stamens. Follicles 7.5-10 cm x 15 cm elliptic-lanceolate, smooth. Seeds 8-9 mm long, oval, brown, compressed; coma 2.5 cm long.
Fl. Per.: July to August.
Syntypes: Kimmour, Wallich 137; Kamoun, Royl (E).
Distribution: Pakistan (Hazara, Murree), Kashmir, India (Simla, Kumaon), Nepal, Sikkim.