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Pakistan | Family List | Flacourtiaceae | Gmelina

Gmelina arborea Roxb., Pl. Corom. 3:41. 1819. Brandis, For. Fl. 364. 1874; Clarke in Hook. f., l.c.; Talbot, l.c. 348; Parker, l.c. 394; Cooke, l.c. 504.

Vern.: Kumhar, Gumhar.

  • Gmelina rheedii Hook.
  • Premna arborea (Roxb.) Roth

    Unarmed tree, up to 20 m tall, with yellowish-tomentose young shoots. Leaves broadly ovate, long acuminate, 10-20 cm long, 7-13 cm broad, entire, glabrous above, hairy on the nerves beneath; petiole 5-12 cm long, glabrous, glandular near the lamina. Cymes terminal, paniculately arranged in the axlis of linear-lanceolate bracts. Flowers large, brownish-yellow. Corolla-tube densely pubescent outside, obliquely funnel-shaped. Drupe obovoid, 2-2.5 cm long, orange-yellow, glabrous.

    Fl. Per.: January-April.

    Type: Described from India, Coromandal coast.

    Distribution: S.E. Asia, India, Nepal, Bangla Desh, Srilanka, Pakistan and trop. Africa.

    A rare plant in our area. Roots, bark and seeds sometimes used medicinally; timber is used for ornamental works. It is also cultivated as a decorative tree in gardens and Avenues.


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