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Pakistan | Family List | Lentibulariaceae | Utricularia

2. Utricularia aurea Lour., Fl. Cochinch. 1: 26. 1790. Ham in Fl. East. Him. 299.1966; Shrestha in Bull. Dept. Med. Pl. Nep. 1:33. 1967; Taylor in Van Steens, Fl. Males. I. 8: 296, f. 21- 23. 1977, in Kew Bull. Add. Ser. 14. 1989.


  • Utricularia confervifolia D.Don
  • Utricularia fasciculata Roxb.
  • Utricularia flexuosa Vahl
  • Utricularia macrocarpa Wall.

    Aquatic, floating submerged herbs. Stem (stolons) monomorphic, filiform, terete. Leaves very numerous, filiform, with 3-4 primary segments, the secondary segments pinnately divided, each pinna further dichotomously divided into numerous capillary segments with lateral and apical setulae. Bladders dimorphic, stalked, 1-4 mm long, ovoid-subglobose with branched antennae. Inflorescence erect; peduncle filiform, terete, glabrous, without scales. Bracts basifixed. Flowers 5-10; pedicel filiform, much recurved in fruiting. Calyx lobes subequal, ovate with subacute apex. Corolla pale yellow with yellowish brown veins, externally pubescent; upper lip broadly ovate, apex rounded; lower lip elliptic, apex rounded; palate pubescent. Spur cylindrical from a narrowly conical base, longer than wide. Filaments curved. Stigma upper lip ± obsolete; lower lip semicircular. Ovary ovoid. Capsule globose. Seeds disk shaped, narrowly winged.

    Fl. Per.: December-April.

    Type: India, Koenig s.n. (holo C; iso W).

    Distribution: India, South-east Asia from Malaysia, eastwards to China, Japan and North Australia.

    A planktonic species which commonly occurs in still and stagnant water of lakes, ponds and rice swamps.


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