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Pakistan | Family List | Valerianaceae | Valeriana

Valeriana jatamansi Jones in Asiat. Res. 2:416. 1790. Collett, Fl., Siml. 137.1902; Rech. f., Fl. Iran. 62:20.1969.

Vern.: ‘Mushkbala’.

  • Valeriana wallichii DC.

    Plant 16-60 cm tall, tomentose to pilose. Rhizome elongate, with fibrous roots. Stems 3-6(- 11) in number. Radical leaves cordate or ovate, 2-10 cm x 1.5-8 cm, sinuate or crenulate. Cauline leaves sessile, smaller, uppermost often 3-fid or -sect. Flowers in lax corymbose cymes or dense corymbs. Upper bracts linear-lanceolate, c. 3 mm long. Corolla and style sometimes pilose. Stigma 3-fid. Achene tomentose, shorter than the upper bracts.

    Fl. Per.: March-May.

    Type: Described from Bhutan.

    Distribution: Afghanistan, Himalayas and China.

    A very common species in forest in early spring, from 1300-3200 m in the Himalayas. Very variable in size and degree of pubescense. Plants from Mussoorie, India, have runners which are not seen in our plants. Some abnormalities, approaching virescence and modification of the calyx, have also been observed [Inayat 19652 & M.A. Siddiqi 4472, RAW].

    The rhizome yields an economically important aromatic oil, which is used in the preparation of tranquilizers and a remedy for the suppression of urine, and an important ingredient in perfumed powders.


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