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Pakistan | Family List | Najadaceae | Najas

1. Najas marina L., Sp. Pl. 1015. 1753. de Wilde, l.c. 162; Yuzepchuk in Komarov, Fl. U.R.S.S. 1: 212. 1968; Dandy, l.c. 86; Stewart in Nair & Ali, Ann. Cat. Vasc. Pl. W. Pak. Kashm. 31. 1972.


  • Najas fucoides Griff.
  • Najas major All.

    Stem up to 50-55 cm long, more than 1 mm broad, rather coarse; spiny, the lower internodes up to 10 cm long. Leaves oblong-linear, 1-3.5 x 2-6 mm, prominently spinose-dentate on the margins and the midrib on dorsal side. Sheath short, rounded, entire or with 1-3 inconspicuous spines. Flowers solitary. Male flowers enclosed in spathe, neck cylindrical, edge somewhat lobed; anther 4-thecous. Female flowers without spathe, style with 2-3 stigmas. Fruits ellipsoid, 23-5 x 1-4 mm. Seeds pale yellow-brownish. Areoles irregular in shape and size.

    Fl. Per.: March-December.

    Lectotype: Aubriet’s illustration of ‘Fluvialis vulgaris, latifolia in Valliant, Hist. Acad. Royale Sci. Annee 1719; 62, t. 1. f. 2. an Amsterdam, 1722 (fide Casper in Fedde Rep. 90: 225, 236, 1979).

    Distribution: Most of Europe, Asia, N. Africa, Australia, N. and S. America.


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