Smilax glaucophylla Klotzsch in Reise Pr.Waldem. 45.tab.91. 1962. Stewart, l.c.57; Ohashi, l.c.134.
Smilax parviflora Wall. ex Hook.f.
Perennial climber. Branches terete, sometimes ribbed, not spiny. Leaves 8-35(-120) x 15-42 (-65) mm. ovate to ovate-lanceolate, base rounded or cordate. apex acute and mucronate. prominently 3(-5-7)-nerved. Petiole 5-10 mm long. lower half sheathing; a pair of tendrils arising from the upper end of the sheath. Inflorescence of axillary umbels; female plants fewer flowered. Flowers small, purple. Peduncle 10-20 mm long, slender. Pedicel c. 6 mm long, filiform. Bracteoles small, ovate, acuminate. Perianth segments c. 2 mm long, linear-oblong, acute, the inner 3 slightly narrower. Male flower: filaments much shorter than the perianth; anthers less than 1 mm long. Female flower: staminodes 6; ovary ovoid, a little less than 2 mm long. Berry globose, 4 mm in diameter, blue-black.
Fl.Per.: April-May; Fr.Per.: Late June-Sept.
Type: Described from east India.
Distribution: Himalayas.
A common climber in the Hazara and Kashmir areas, found from 1000-2000 m. A collection from Mansera (R.R. & I.D. Stewart 2556, RAW) and Kashmir (R.R. & I.D. Stewart 17337, RAW) has linear lanceolate leaves, c. 10 times as long as wide, together with normal leaves which are c. 2½ times as long as wide. This variation in leaf size is most likely environmental.
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