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Botany Department, Gordon College, Rawalpindi.

Mollugo pentaphylla

Credit: M.Y. Saleem

Annual or perennial herbs. Leaves opposite to sub-opposite or sub-verti¬cillate, usually exstipulate. Flowers small, bisexual, regular, solitary or in cymose clusters. Sepals 5, free or united at the base, persistent. Petals absent; petaloid staminodes often present. Stamens 3-20, filaments free or united at the base, anthers bilocular, dehiscing longitudinally. Ovary superior, placentation axile. Fruit dry, membranous, dehiscing loculicidally by 3-5 valves. Seeds endospermic.

A family of 2 genera and 32 species, tropical to sub-tropical. Often included in the Aizoaceae, from which it differs in being exclusively herbaceous, and having sepals free or nearly so, and superior ovary.

1 Leaves opposite. Staminodes present. Plant parts stellately hairy. Flowers in axillary clusters. Stigmas 5   Glinus
+ Leaves pseudo-verticillate, alternate or basal. Staminodes usually absent. Plants not stellately hairy. Flowers in racemose or cymose order. Stigmas 3   Mollugo

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