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Pakistan | Family List | Vitaceae | Ampelocissus

1. Ampelocissus latifolia (Roxb.) Planch. in Journ. Vigne Am. 1884: 374. 1884. in DC., Monogr. Phaner. 5:370. 1887; Yasuiti Momiyama in Ohashi, Fl. E. Him. 3:80. 1975.


  • Vitis glabrata D. Don
  • Vitis latifolia Roxb.

    A weak herbaceous climber, with a tuberous root stock; stem and branches hollow more or less glabrous, young parts puberulous. Leaves orbicular or broadly cordate 7-15 x 8-15 cm, 3-7 lobed, lobes acute, serrate-dentate, ± glabrous on both sides; petiole 3-5 cm long, stipules minute, deciduous. Inflorescence a compact thyrsoid cyme; peduncle 6 7 cm long, ending in a long bifurcate tendril. Flowers numerous, deep reddish. Clayx truncate or obscurely 5 toothed. Petals 5, oblong. Ovary 10-lobed at apex, sunken in the disc, style absent; stigma cup shaped. Berry globose, black, 6-7 mm, 2 seeded, rarely 3 seeded. Seeds elliptical, margin rugose, transversely with a linear tubercle on the back and bluntly ridged on the face.

    Fl. Per.: May-August Fruit. October.

    Type: Described from India.

    Distribution: N.W. India, Assam, Sylhet, Bengal, Bihar, sub Himalayan tracts, from Ravi east ward, Kashmir & Nepal.


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