Haematoxylum campechianum Linn., Sp. Pl. 384. 1753. Parker, For. Fl. Punj. ed. 3. 183. 1956.
A large shrub or medium sized tree. Leaves abruptly unipinnate, 2.5-7.5 cm long, leaflets about 4 pairs, 1.2-2.5 cm long, broadly obovate, apex obtuse, emargi¬nate. Inflorescence a raceme, c. 5-10 cm long. Flowers c. 1.2 cm across, yellow. Petals 5, oblong. Stamens free, filaments hairy at the base. Ovary short stiped. Pod c. 3.8 cm long, 7.5-10 mm broad, membranous, narrowed at both the ends. Seeds 2-3.
Distribution: Indigenous to Tropical America. Cultivated in Lahore.
Log wood is cultivated as an ornamental plant. In America it furnishes wood for furniture; Haemotoxylon dye is obtained from heart-wood; flowers are the source of honey.
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