Oryza coarctata Roxb., Fl. Ind., ed. 2, 2: 206. 1832. Hook. f., Fl. Brit. Ind. 7:93.1896; Blatter & McCann, Bombay Grasses 273.1935; Sultan & Stewart, Grasses W. Pak. 2:370. 1959; Bor, Grasses Burma Ceyl. Ind. Pak. 604. 1960.
Oryza triticoides Griff.Sclerophyllum coarctatum (Roxb.) Griff.
Perennial with extensive creeping rhizomes. Culms up to about 2 m high, smooth, hard and polished. Leaf-blades up to 40 cm long and 12 mm wide, smooth, coriaceous with spinulose margins; ligule a narrow ciliate rim up to 1 mm long. Panicle 10-20 cm long, narrow, the branches erect. Spikelets narrowly oblong to narrowly ovate, 12-15 mm long including the awn, glabrous, deciduous, obliquely articulated with the pedicel; sterile lemmas subulate, 2.54 mm long; fertile lemma boat-shaped with a large projecting wing on the back, cuspidate with a stout hard glabrous awn about 4 mm long.
Type locality: India.
Distribution: Southern Asia: Pakistan (Indus Delta), India (Ganges Delta and Godaveri Dist., Madras) and Burma (Irrawaddy and Tenasserim Deltas).
A coastal plant which, according to Blatter & McCann, forms dense mats covering miles of flat land at the mouth of the Indus River within tidal influence, being submerged at high tide.
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