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Pakistan | Family List | Acanthaceae | Petalidium

Petalidium barlerioides (Roth) Nees in Wall., Pl. Asiat. Rar. 3: 82. 1832. Hook. in Bot. Mag. t. 4053. 1844; Clarke in Hook. f., l.c.; Cooke, Fl. Pres. Bomb. 2: 435. 1906; Bamber, Punj. Pl. 62. 1916; Collett, Fl. Siml. 371. 1902; Parker, For. Fl. Punj. 3rd. ed. 389. 1956; Stewart in Nasir & Ali, Ann. Cat. Vasc. Pl. W. Pak. & Kashm. 677. 1972.


  • Ruellia barlerioides Roth
  • Ruellia bracteata Roxb.

    An erect, up to 1.25 m tall, finely hairy shrublet with cylindrical branches. Leaves on 4-10 mm long petioles; lamina ovate, 5-10 x 4-6 cm, dentate-serrate, acute-acuminate. Flowers pale-blue or white, 3.5-4.0 cm long, solitary, axillary or in small clusters; bracts absent; bracteoles ovate, c. 2.5 cm long, entire, acuminate. Calyx lobes linear-subulate, erect, one a little longer and broader than the rest. Corolla tube cylindrical, hairy within, limb lobes patent, obovate, obtuse, minutely crenulate. Ovary ovoid, glandular above; style shortly hairy, longer than corolla tube. Capsule compressed, shortly stipitate, c. 12 mm long, usually 2-seeded.

    Fl. Per.: January-April.

    Type: Described from India, Heyne.

    Distribution: India, Nepal; introduced in gardens elsewhere.

    Parker (l.c.) reported that it is grown in Lahore gardens for its large showy flowers.


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