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Pakistan | Family List | Pakistan V. 139 | Onagraceae | Epilobium

12. Epilobium laxum Royle, Ill. Bot. Himal. Mts. 211, t. 43 fig. 2. 1835; Raven, Bull. Brit. Mus. (Nat. Hist.) Bot. 2: 369. 1962; Raven in Rech. f., Fl. Iran. 7: 17. 1964; Stewart, Ann. Cat. Vasc. Pl. W. Pak. & Kashm. 506. 1972.

Peter C. Hoch and Peter H. Raven

Epilobium amplectens Benth. ex Wall., Numer. List 216, n. 6330. 1832, nom. nud. Epilobium tetragonum L. var. ? amplectens Clarke in Hook. f., Fl. Brit. Ind. 2: 587. 1879. Lectotype: India, Utter Pradesh, Kumaun, Blinkworth in Wallich 6330 (K; BM, E, G, isolectotypes). Epilobium duthiei Hausskn., Monogr. Epil. 205, t. 9. fig. 54. 1884; H. LJv., Ic. Gen. Epil. t. 106. 19,10. Lectotype: Seed from India, Uttar Pradesh: Tehri Garhwal, Kedar Kanta, 3050-3350 m, Duthie s.n., cultivated at Kew 1880 (K, JE, isolectotype). Epilobium amplectens (Clarke) Benth. ex Hausskn., Monogr. Epil. 208. 1884; H. LJv., Ic. Gen. Epil. t. 102. 1910. Epilobium sadae H. LJv., Bull. Herb.,Boiss., Sir. 2, 7: 588. 1907; Ic. Gen. Epil. t. 85. 1910. Type: India, Uttar Pradesh: Tehri Garhwal, Rudugaira Gad, 4250-4850 m, 20.7.1883, Duthie 1046 (G, holotype; BM, isotype). Epilobium subnivale Popov ex Pavlov, Wiss. Ber. Mosk. Staatsuniv. 2: 329. 1934; Steinb. in Fl. URSS 15: 592. 1949. Type: on moist banks by small streams near source of River Topchak-su, Khr. Talasskiy-Alatau, Tien Shan range, Russian Turkistan, 24.7.1931, Pavlov 735 (MW, holotype, not seen; LE, isotype).

Erect perennial herb, forming extended turions or thick soboles; stems l0-70 cm tall, subrhizomatous base with brown scales, glabrous below the inflorescence except for elevated strigillose lines decurrent from the margins of the petioles. Leaves ovate, 2-7 x 1.2-2.6 cm, glabrous except for strigillose margins and veins, distinct veins, sharp serrate, apex acuminate, base rounded, sessile above, attenuate to petioles 2-8 mm long on obovate subentire lower leaves. Inflorescence nodding, strigose. Ovaries 1.8-2.1 cm, strigillose with admixture of glandular hairs, on pedicels 0-3 mm long. Sepals 5.5-7.5 x 1-1.5 mm, strigillose and glandular. Petals 10-14 x 4-9 mm, bright rose purple. Style 5-8 mm long. Stigma subcapitate, often exserted beyond the anthers at anthesis. Capsules 3.5-7.5 cm long, on pedicels 0.2-0.7 cm long. Seeds 1.2-1.5 x 0.44-0.62 mm, obovate or narrowly so, fine papillose, with an inconspicuous chalazal collar; comas 7-8 mm long, white, deciduous.

Type: India, Uttar Pradesh, Mussooree, J. F. Royle s.n. (Lectotype: LIV, not seen).

Epilobium laxum is one of the most distinctive species in the region, with its large flowers, ovate and acuminate leaves, sessile capsules and large seeds. In some populations the subcapitate stigma is exserted beyond the anthers, indicating some degree of outcrossing. This species is very common in the western Himalaya at middle and upper elevations.

Fl. Per.: Jul-Sep. Fr. Per.: Jul-Sep; Distribution: Western Himalaya from Chitral to Kumaun and north to the Tien Shan range.


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