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Pakistan | Family List | Pakistan V. 205 | Polygonaceae | Bistorta

4. Bistorta vaccinifolia (Wall. ex Meisn.) Green, Leafl. 1: 21. 1904; Hara, Fl. East. Himal. 69. 1968; in Hara et al., Enum. Fl. Pl. Nepal 3: 173. 1982; Grierson & D.G.Long, l.c. 167; A. Mehta & P.V.Bole, Hund. Himal. Fls. 104. 1991. (Fig.11, A-B2).

Polygonum vaccinifolium Wall. ex Meisn. in Pl. As. Rar. 3: 54. 1832; Hook. f., Fl. Brit. Ind. 5: 33. 1886; R. N. Parker, For. Fl. Punj. Haz. & Delhi 423. 1921 (reprint. ed.); R.R.Stewart, Ann. Cat. Vasc. Pl. W. Pak. & Kashm. 210. 1972; Polygonum vaccinifolium var. medium, var. obtusifolium and var. flagelliforme Wall. ex Meisn. l.c.; Persicaria vaccinifolia (Wall. ex Meisn.) Ronse Decr. in Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 98: 368. 1988.

Prostrate, 25-40 cm long, branched from base, glabrous, perennial rhizomatous herb. Stems many, branched, woody, Trailing stoloniferous, glabrous. Leaves 0.8-2.5 x 0.3-0.8 (-1.0) cm, lanceolate to broadly-lanceolate, glabrous, acute - acuminate, entire, petiole 0.1-0.4 cm long. Ochrea 0.2-0.75 cm long, hyaline, long fimbriate with many brown nerves, fimbriae ± equal to ochrea. Inflorescence 1.5-5.0 cm long, simple, terminal, many flowered, dense, pedunculate raceme, peduncle 0.5-2.0 cm long. Flowers 3-4 mm across, pedicellate, pedicel 1.5-3 mm long. Ochreolae 1-3 mm long, imbricate, ovate, dentate. Tepals 4, free for half of the length, 2-5 x 1-2 mm, oblanceolate, obtuse, entire, unequal. Stamens 6 (-8), filaments long, unequal. Ovary 0.75-1 x 0.25-0.5 mm, trigonous with three long, free and unequal styles and capitate star-shaped stigma. Nuts trigonous, beaked, c. 2 mm long, dark brown, enclosed within the perianth.

Type: Described from Bhundrinath, Wallich 1695 (K!, E!).

Grows between 10000-14000 ft on rocks as a gregarious plant. It is rather an uncommon plant in our area. However, becomes fairly common further east in Ladakh; Distribution: Kashmir to Bhutan, Western Xizang.


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