9. Carex diandra Schrank, Acta Acad. Mogunt. 49. 1782; R.R.Stewart, l.c. 75.
C. diandra var. major Kük. in Engler, Pflanzenr. IV.20, 38. 1909; C. teretiuscula Good. in Trans Linn. Soc. 2: 163, tab. 19, fig. 3. 1794. C. thomsonii Boott, Ill. genus Carex 1: 1, tab. 1. 1958?
Tightly tufted perennial, 30-60 cm. Rhizome short. Stem trigonous, scabrous along edges. Leaves shorter than stem; sheaths brown to dark brown; blades 1-2 mm wide, canaliculata to flat, grey-green. Inflorescence a paniculodium; bracts glume-like; spikes 15-30 mm, obovoid to ellipsoid, androgynous; female glumes ovate, acute, brown to dark brown, margins widely scarious. Utricles 2 - 3 mm, ovate, stipitate, base rounded or nearly cordate, suberous, glossy, beak compressed, margins narrowly winged, scabrous. Nut obovate.
Fl. Per.: June.
Type: From Germany, Bavaria, Burghausen.
Streamsides, rice fields; Distribution: Circum-boreal; in Asia south to Himalayas, Kashmir, Bhutan; New Zealand.
Reported from Kashmir (C.B.Clarke, l.c.; Dickoré, l.c.).