38. Cyperus laevigatus Linnaeus, Mantissa. alt. 179. 1771; Boiss., Fl. Or. 5: 366. 1882; R.R.Stewart, l.c. 90; Kukkonen in Rech.f., l.c. 134.
Juncellus laevigatus (L.) C.B.Clarke in Hook.f., Fl. Brit. Ind. 6: 596. 1893. Acorellus laevigatus (L.) Palla in W.D.J. Koch, Syn. deut. schweiz. Fl. ed.3, 2: 2558. 1905; Rottboell, Descr. et Iconum: Tab. 16, fig.1. 1773. Rateeb & Sherif, Fl. Libya 120: fig. 5. 1985. N. Feinbrun-Dothan, Fl. Palaestina 4: pl. 480. 1986.
Perennial, (5-)20-65 cm, forming small tufts or stems in rows. Rhizome horizontal, creeping, (1-)1.5-3 mm diam., covered with dark brown or reddish scales. Stem 0.5-5 mm diam., terete or obtusely trigonous, yellow green or grey green, smooth. Leaves mostly much reduced; sheaths up to 20 cm, brown to dark brown, sometimes reddish, mouth margin concave; ligule 0; blade up to 10 or reduced to a point. Inflorescence capitate, pseudolateral, 7-25 mm, one cluster of (1-)3-10(-more than 30) spikes; bract usually one, as a continuation of stem, 5-50 mm, subterete, obtuse (sometimes another short, second bract can be distinguished); spikes 6-20 x (1.5-)2-3.5 mm, often curved, turgid, with 10-40 closely imbricate glumes, glume-like bract, c. 2 mm, glume-like prophyll c. 2 mm; rachis 4-angled, concave side 1-1.2 mm wide, convex side 0.5-0.8 mm wide, internodes 0.7-1 mm, winged; glumes 1.8-3 mm, membranaceous, widely cymbiform, obtuse or mucronate, mid-nerve at apex slightly keeled, from yellowish or grey to dark reddish brown, glossy, margins narrowly scarious. Flowers on concave side of rachis. Nut 1.3-1.7 x c. 1 mm, ellipsoid or obovoid, grey-brown to black-brown, adaxial side flat, pressed against the rachis, abaxial side rounded, glossy, smooth or more or less clearly reticulate.
Fl. Per.: Practically all year round.
Type: "Habitat ad Cap. B. Spei”, I.G. König.
In coastal salt marshes, beach depressions, shores of lakes, streams, irrigation channels, saline depressions; Distribution: From C. Asia, Idia and Pakistan W to southern N. America ans S. America.