Debregeasia salicifolia (D.Don) Rendle in Prain, Fl.Trop.Afr. 6(2):295. 1916. R.R.Stewart, Ann.Cat.Vasc. Pl.W.Pak.& Kash. 195.1972.
Vern: Puruni, Siaru, Siharu.
Boehmeria salicifolia D.DonDebregeasia bicolor (Roxb.), WeddDebregeasia hypoleuca Wedd.Urtica bicolar Roxb.
A dioecious, evergreen tall shrub or small tree. Stem with dark brown fibrous bark scabrous, young shoots whitish tomentose. Leaves with up to 2.5 cm long, densely tomentose petiole; lamina oblong - lanceolate 2-15 cm long, 0.6-3 cm broad, silvery tomentose beneath, scabrous and rugose above, serrate, acute; stipules linear-lanceolate up to c. 1 cm long, brown, deciduous. Male flower clusters larger than female flower heads. Calyx of male flowers campanulate, streaked orange-red and white, tomentose outside, 4-lobed, shorter than brown bracteoles; tubular-ovoid with narrowed mouth in female flowers. Stamens 3-5, exserted, anthers pale purple. Achenes fleshy, yellow, c. 1.5 mm long, pointed.
Fl.Per.: March-June.
Type: Described from Himalayas (BM).
Distribution: India, Pakistan (Punjab, N.W.F.Province, Kashmir) Afghanistan and Tropical Africa.
Common in moist places in the Northern Himalayas and Salt range, up to 2000 m. A strong fibre used to make ropes, is obtained from the bark.
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