Gardenia augusta (L) Merrill, Interpr. Bumph. Herb. Amboin. 50. 485. 1917. A.C. Smith in Am. J. Dot. 61:113. 1974.
English: Cape Jasmine.
Gardenia florida L.Gardenia jasminoides EllisVarneria augusta L.
Evergreen shrub, up to 2 m. Leaves 4-10 x 3-5 cm, elliptic or elliptic-oblong, glabrous, acuminate, entire; petiole c. 2-3 mm long; interpetiolar stipules fused to form a sheath, acute. Flowers terminal and solitary, white or creamy white, fragrant, 4-5 cm across. Pedicel 6-8 mm, long winged. Calyx-tube winged, 7-8 mm long, 6-lobed, persistent. Corolla-tube 2-3.5 cm long, glabrous; 6-lobed, lobes 2-2.5 cm long, fleshy, waxy. Stamens 6, exserted. Fruit 2.5-4 x 1.25-2 cm, ovoid or elliptic, winged in six ridges.
Fl. Per.: Mar: April.
Type: Based on Catsjopiri Rumph., Herb Amboin., 7: 26. t. 14, f. 2. 1755 (vide Tirvengadum in Bull. Mus. Nation. list. Nat. (Paris) Set. 3, 521, Bot. 35: 17. 1978.).
Distribution: A native of China, widely cultivated in the gardens of Pakistan.
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