Lotus corniculatus var. tenuifolius L., Sp. Pl. 776. 1753.
Lotus corniculatus ssp. tenuifolius (L.)Lotus corniculatus subsp. frondosus FreynLotus corniculatus var. minor BakerLotus krylovii Shishk. et Serg.Lotus noeanus Boiss.Lotus tenuifolius (L.) Reichb.Lotus tenuis Waldst. et Kit
Plant glabrous or slightly hairy above only; leaflets narrowly obovate or oblong-obovate to linear-lanceolate, at least the upper usually ± acuminate; plant frequently taller, up to c. 60 cm in height; flowers up to 12 mm long.
Type: Described from Europe.
Distribution: Pakistan, N.W.F. Province; Baluchistan, Sind, almost as widely distributed as the var. corniculatus..
Lotus corniculatus complex requires thorough revision. In Pakistan, even var. tenuifolius sometimes intergrades with var. corniculatus, though as observed by Heyn (in Davis, Fl.Turk.3 :46.1969) the two can easily be distinguished in Eastern Europe. As done by Townsend (in Kew Bull. 21(3):441.1968) this is the main reason for maintaining a separate identity for this taxon. Having examined the rich collections of this taxon, from throughout its range, it has not been possible to uphold the views of Chrtkova-Zertova (in Folia Geobot. Phytotax. 2:283-310.1967). I have, therefore, accepted Lotus corniculatus L. in a broader sense.
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