Ononis antiquorum Linn., Sp.Pl.ed. 2:1006. 1763. Boissier, Fl.Or.2:57.1872.
Ononis dicantha Sieb.ex Reichb.Ononis spinosa ssp. antiquorum (Linn.) Briq.
Perennial. Stem erect, densely pubescent, branches ending in spines. Leaf uni or trifoliolate, leaflets 6-10 mm long, ovate to oblong, denticulate. Flowers mainly single in leaf axils, forming loose racemes, pedicellate. Calyx glandular pubescent, teeth longer than the cup. Corolla pink, 6-10 mm long. Fruit ovate, glandular pubescent, 1-3-seeded.
Fl.Per.: June-July.
Type: Described from S. Europe, Herb.Linn.896/1 (LINN).
Distribution: Pakistan; Kashmir; Russia (Crimea, Caucasus, Central Asia); Afghanistan; Iran; Palestine; Turkey; Europe; N.Africa.
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