Sesbania sesban var. sesban
Vern.: Jantar.
Tree, soft-wooded, short-lived, 1-7 m tall; young stem pubescent. Leaf paripinnate, rachis 4-13 cm long; leaflets 18-50, c. 7-25 mm long, c. 3-5 mm wide, linear-oblong, obtuse, apiculate, glabrous; stipules c. 5-7 mm long. Inflorescence an axillary raceme; 3-20-flowered, up to 15 cm long. Bract and bracteoles up to 3 mm long, caducous. Pedicel up to 12 mm long, Calyx glabrous, except the margin, c. 5 mm long, teeth c. 1 mm or less, broadly triangular. Corolla yellow, tinged with or spotted purple. Vexillum c. 13-14 mm long. Fruit c. 15-30 cm long, up to 5 mm wide, 20-40-seeded.
Fl.Per.: August-February.
Holotype: Herb. Linn. 922.12 (LINN).
Distribution: Cosmopolitan in tropics of the Old World; commonly cultivated as a quick growing hedge plant.
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