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Pakistan | Family List | Cucurbitaceae | Trichosanthes

2b. Trichosanthes cucumerina var. anguina (L.) Haine, Bot. Bihar & Orissa:. 388. 1922. R.R. Stewart, l.c.; C. Jeffrey, l.c. 797.

English: Snake gourd.

Vern.: Chichinda.


A climbing herb. Stem slender, puberulous. Leaves cordate-subreniform, distantly denticulate, petiolate, densely pubescent to sparsely hairy, 10-15 x 12-18 cm , deeply or shallowly (3-) 5-(7-)-lobed. Tendrils sulcate, puberulous, 2-3-fid. Male flowers: peduncle puberulous, 10-25 cm long, 8-15-flowered. Calyx-tube 2.5-3 cm long, lobes reflexed, c. 2 mm petals oblong 3-nerved. Ovary narrowly fusiform. Fruit elongate cylindrical, twisted, longitudinally striped white. Seeds oblong, rugulose, 15-17 mm long, with undulate margins.

Lectotype: Trichosanthes pomis teretibus oblongis incurves L., Hort. Cliff.: 451 (1738) (Jeffrey 1980).

Distribution: Cultivated throughout India and Pakistan (Punjab and Kashmir).

The fruits are used as vegetable.


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