Berberis jaeschkeana var. jaeschkeana
Shrubs usually c. 1 m tall, deciduous; stems stout, at first slightly reddish, yellow-brown at maturity, angular; internodes 5-10(-14) mm long; spines 3-fid, 10-15 mm long. Leaves 10-20(-23) mm long, 5-8 mm broad, oblong-elliptic, generally green on both sides, epruinose, reticulately veined with open venation, usually (1-)2-5 spinose-serrulate at margin, somewhat thin, sessile or subsessile. Inflorescence umbellate or subumbellate 3-5(-8) flowered, 2-4 cm long, including 1-2.5 cm long peduncle. Flowers 9-12 mm across; pedicels 6-9(-12) mm long, glabrous. Outer and middle sepals 4-6 mm long, inner 7-8 mm long, obovate. Petals slightly shorter or nearly as long as the inner sepals, apex entire, base somewhat clawed. Stamens 4 mm long with truncate apex. Berries oblong-ovoid, red, epruinose, 8-10 mm long, 5-6 mm broad, inconspicuously stylose.
Fl.Per.: May June.
Type: Kashmir, Falconer 97 (W).
Distribution: Kashmir, Pakistan, N.W. Himalaya to Nepal.
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