Indigofera hamiltonii Grah. ex Duthie & Prain in Ann.R.Bot. Gard. Calcutta. 9(1):22,t.29. 1901. Duthie,Fl.Upp.Gang.Pl.253.1905; Ali in Bot. Notiser 111:: 573.1958.
Undershrub, almost annually burnt down by forest fires; branches thinly pubescent. Leaf c. 2.5-6.5 cm long, petiole c. 1.2-1.3 cm long; leaflets 3-5-(11-13), c. 1.0-2.0 cm long, obovate, oblong, often emargintate, sparesly appressed pubescent on both surfaces; stipules minute caducous. Inflorescence a raceme, usually from woody branches, c. 20.0-30.0 cm long. Bract small caducous, shorter than pedicel. Calyx small, teeth triangular, smaller than cup. Corolla pale purple with darker lines, c. 8-9 mm long. Fruit c. 2.5-3.8 cm long straight, 9-12-seeded.
Fl.Per.: March-April.
Holotype: Gorakhpur, Buchanan-Hamilton, Wall.Cat. 5465 (Cal). Type no (K).
Distribution: Kashmir, India (Behar to E. Punjab), expected in Pakistan (Punjab) also.
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