Gnaphalium hypoleucum DC.
Erect herbs, 30-60 (-80) cm tall, usually simple, branched above, greyish pubescent to woolly or brownish glandular. Leaves linear with entire to crispate or ± revolute margins subamplexicaul usually undulate, 1.5-7.5 x 0.1-0.7 cm, bicoloured, dull green glandular pubescent on the upper surface, white tomentose beneath. Capitula in dense corymbose clusters, densely woolly, 3-3.5 mm in diameter; phyllaries yellow to snow white, 4-5-seriate, ± 4 mm long, oblong, acute rarely subacute. Outer florets filiform, corolla c. 2 mm long 3-4 toothed, yellow. Disc florets c. 2 mm long, corolla 5-lobed. Cypselas papillose, 0.5 mm long; pappus setae white free, minutely bristly, equalling corolla.
Fl.Per.: April-October.
Holotype: From India – In Neelgherry Wight Cat. No. 1468 (G-DC) Isotype (K!).
A plant of temperate region, distributed in Eastern and Western Himalayas, ascending up to 3000 m, growing in forests, roadside and open ground; Distribution: Pakistan, India, Bhutan, Nepal, Mynamar, China, Philippines and Japan.
Easily distinguished by its robust habit, subamplexicaul leaves which are dull green above and white tomentose beneath.