Arabidopsis taraxacifolia (T. Anders.) Jafri, comb. nov.
Arabidopsis kneuckeri auct. non (Bornm.) Schulz: R.R. StewartArabis taraxacifolia T. Anders.Arabis taraxifolia R.R. StewartMicrosisymbrium angustifolium Jafri
Annual or biennial, 20-30 (-40) cm tall, with usually weak, narrow branches and stem from the base, slightly exceeding the elongated basal leaves. Basal leaves 3-7 (-10) cm long, 5-15 (-20) mm broad, lyrate-pinnatifid, 4-6-jugate; all lobes triangular-ovate, lobulate or irregularly toothed; cauline leaves very few, oblong-linear, toothed to entire; all leaves minutely pubescent with short, branched hairs mostly. Racemes 15-20-flowered, up to 15 (-20) cm long in fruit. Flowers c. 5 mm across, usually whitish. Siliquae similar to the previous species but acute with 1-1.8 mm long styles; seeds c. 1 mm long.
Fl. Per.: April-June.
Type: Pakistan, near Peshawar, J.L. Stewart (K, E).
Distribution: Endemic to Pakistan.
Very similar to the previous species but usually much branched from the base with elongated basal leaves, hairs minute, flowers slightly larger and siliquae acute with longer styles.
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