Achyranthes aspera var. late-ovata Boerl. in Nederl. Kruidk. Arch. Ser. 2. 5:424. (1889).
Achyranthes aspera forma robustoides Suesseng.
Leaves broadly ovate (i.e. broadest distinctly below the middle), narrowed above and acute to shortly acuminate. Flowers 5-7 mm, long and narrow as in var. pubescens.
Type: Lahore, Punjab, Thomson s.n., viii.1846 (K, isotype!).
There are many collections of this form from the vicinity of Karachi. It is so absolutely and constantly intermediate between var. aspera and var. pubescens that it seems possible that it arose from crossing of the two. On the other hand, var. aspera and var. pubescens keep so distinct in Central America that I have not seen single intermediate from the region. If var. late-ovata is such a hybrid, why do not these two varieties cross in Central America also? Only experimental work can resolve such problems. Achyranthes aspera var. porphyristachya (Wall. ex Moq.) Hook. f. is recorded for Pakistan by Stewart (l.c.: 228). This is a subglabrous plant with the appearance and leaf-shape of Achyranthes bidentata but the pseudo-staminodes of Achyranthes aspera. Like Achyranthes bidentata, it appears to be principally a forest or shade plant, and I have seen no material from Pakistan. The Stocks specimen mentioned by Stewart (no doubt on the authority of Suessenguth’s determination in Herb. Kew) is most certainly not of this variety, and is cited above under var. late-ovata It is identical with the Thomson Lahore plant, cited by Suessenguth among the syntypes of his forma robustoides and here selected as lectotype.
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