Tetradiclis salsa C.A. Mey.
Glabrous annual, 10-20 cm tall, suberect. Stem verticillately branched from the base. Leaves fleshy, up to 10 mm long, c. 2-3 mm broad, opposite and pinnatisect below, alternate and laciniate above, segments linear-oblong to oblanceolate, obtuse. Flowers c. 1 mm across, white; bracts leafy. Sepals triangular, united almost to half, slightly shorter than petals. Petals wedge-shaped, c. 1 mm long. Stamens antisepalous, inserted on disc. Ovary centrally depressed, locules incompletely trilocellate, with 2-4 ovules in central and one in each of lateral compartments, style quadrangular towards apex. Capsule subglobose, 3-4 mm in diameter, inflated and cross split at the apex, 4-valved, valves minutely pitted, each divided into 3 compartments, the lateral 1-seeded, central 2-4-seeded. Seeds minute, oblong, with scanty endosperm.
Fl.Per.: March-April.
Type: Egypt, Alexandria 1824, C. G. Ehrenberg (K,G).
Distribution: Pakistan (Baluchistan), Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Palestine, Egypt and south east Russia.
The Plant has the aspect of Heliotropium in inflorescence, but it is glabrous and succulent. Common in damp, salty, arid and semi-arid regions elsewhere but seems to be undercollected and rare in our area.