Valeriana himalayana Grub. in Not. Syst. Herb. Inst. Bot. Acad. Sci. URSS. 19:344. 1959.
Valeriana dioica C.B. ClarkeValeriana pusilla Royle
A dioecious or polygamo-monoecious plant, 11-38 cm tall. Rootstock with slender roots. Scape solitary or 2-3, glabrous, striate. Nodes minutely pilose. Radical leaves entire, crenulate or subserrate, oblong to suborbiculate, 1-2.5 cm x 0.8-1.6 cm; nerves prominent; petiole up to 6.5 cm long. Lower cauline leaves pinnati-partite, with 1-3 lateral lobes, the terminal one largest, ovate-oblong to elliptic-ovate, entire or slightly toothed; the uppermost cauline leaves with narrower segments. Flowers in dichotomous corymbs or compact heads, pink or white. Upper bracts lanceolate, c. 4 mm long, acute or obtuse. Ovary glabrous; stigma 2-3-fid. Achene 2.5-3 mm long, glabrous, shorter than the upper bracts; pappus segments 10-13.
Fl. Per.: June-August.
Type: NW. Himalaya, Tihri-Garwhal, 15-16000', Duthie 1171 (LE).
Distribution: N.W. Asia, Kashmir and the Karakorums.
Fairly common in marshy or moist places, also in shade, among rocks or meadows from 3500-5000 m. The female flower can be recognised by its smaller size and the exserted 2-3-fid stigma; the male flowers are broader with more or less included anthers.
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