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Pakistan | Family List | Valerianaceae | Valeriana

Valeriana fedtsehenkoi Coincy, Ecloga Altera Pl. Hispan. 15. 1895. in obs.; Komarov in Bobrov & Shiskin, Fl. URSS. 23:639.1958; Rech. f., Fl. Iran. 62:20. 1969.

  • Valeriana caespitosa Rupr.
  • Valeriana minuta Wendelbo

    Plant 3-10.5(-20) cm tall, glabrous. Suckers many, with numerous persistent leaf bases. Radical leaves ovate-oblong or suborbiculate or spathulate, (5-)10(-18) mm broad, often ternate, petiole longer than the lamina; lower cauline leaves similar to basal, sessile, sometimes ternate, the terminal lobe largest, ovate to elliptic-ovate, lateral lobes lanceolate to oblong lanceolate. Flowers in capitate heads up to 1.5 cm broad. Upper bracts c. 3.5 mm long, lanceolate. Corolla lobes obtuse. Ovary hispid; stigma 3-fid. Achene hispid, shorter than the upper bracts.

    Fl.Per: June July.

    Type: Tien Shan (LE).

    Distribution: Afghanistan, Pakistan and C. Asia.

    Resembles Valeriana himalayana Grub., from which it differs by the generally smaller size of the plant, the compact tufts, the numerous suckers and the pilose-hispid ovary and fruit. Found from 3700-4700 m in rocky areas.


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