Valeriana clarkei Briq., Ann. Cons. Jard. Bot. Geneve. 17:331. 1914.
Valeriana elegans C.B. Clarke
Plant up to 55 cm tall, puberulous. Rhizome horizontally branched with long stout fibrous roots. Radical leaves entire, several at fruiting time; leaves ovate-oblong to spathulate, 2.5-4.5 cm x 1-2.5 cm; petiole up to 8.5 cm long. Cauline leaves oblong or divided, ternate or with 2 pairs of lobes, the terminal lobe elliptic-ovate, entire or sub-entire, the lateral lobes small; nodes 1 or 2. Scapes strict, slender. Flowers pink, in lax dichotomous branched spikes which are slender towards the extremities. Upper bracts ovate to elliptic-ovate, 1.2-1.6 mm long, sometimes sparsely ciliate. Achene pubescent, c. twice as long as the bracts.
Fl. Per.: June-August.
Type: Baltistan: Skardo, C.B. Clarke (K);.
Distribution: Endemic.
Usually occurs in dry rocky areas. The cauline leaves are not always entire (see C.B. Clarke, l.c), being sometimes ternate. Found from 2700-3600 m.
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