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Pakistan | Family List | Valerianaceae | Valeriana

Valeriana ficariifolia Boiss., Fl. Or. 3:89. 1875. Komarov in Bobrov & Shiskin Fl. URSS. 23:619.1958; Patzak in Koeie & Rech. f. in Biol. Skr. Dan. Vid. Selsk. 13(4):260.1963; Rech.f., Fl. Iran. 62:19.1969.

Plant 10-25 cm tall, non rhizomatous. Caudex covered by fibrous scales and the persistent leaf bases. Roots few, long and stout. Stem glabrous and fistular. Radical leaves mostly cordate-reniform, deciduous, subentire, others lyrately pinnatisect with 2-3(-4) lateral pairs of lobes; lobes ovate-obtuse, the terminal lobe the largest, suborbiculate, sinuate to repand. Cauline leaves similarly divided, but smaller and with narrower lobes. Petiole as long as divided part of lamina or shorter. Flowers in lax dichotomous corymbs. Upper bracts lanceolate. Achene c. 2.3 mm long, longer than the bracts, hirsute.

Fl. Per.: April-May.

Type: Persia, boreo-orientalis, Siaret, Bunge (LE,G).

Distribution: N. Iran, Tien Shan, Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Not common. Resembles Valeriana sisymbriifolia Vahl, from which it can be distinguished by its radical leaves which are both undivided and lyrate-pinnatifid and not pinnatipartite.


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