Maytenus wallichiana (Spreng.) Raju & Babu in Bull.Bot. Surv.Ind. 10:349. 1969.
Vern.: Pataki.
Catha wallichii G.DonCelastrus rigida Wall. ex Spreng.Celastrus wallichiana Spreng.Gymnosporia wallichiana (Spreng.) Lawson
A medium sized shrub. Branches zig-zagged, armed; spines rigid, 1-6 cm long, bearing leaves and flowers. Leaves 1.5-3.5 x 1-3.5 cm, ovate, broadly acute or obtuse, serrate-crenate, coriaceous, glabrous. Flowers in compact, axillary, cymose clusters, shorter than the leaves. Capsule inflated, turbinate, c. 12 mm broad, trivalved, yellowish-brown. Seeds partially enclosed in red fleshy aril.
Fl. Per.: October.
Type: Described from India.
Distribution: N.W. Pakistan, India and Bangla Desh.
This species is not common in Pakistan.
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