Malope trifida Cay., Diss. 85. 1790. Bailey, Stand. Cycl. Hort. 2: 1972. 1950.
Annual, up to 1.5 m tall, glabrous or pillose herbs. Leaves broad ovate to suborbicular, 5-8 cm long, 6-10 cm broad, serrate, not lobed or 3-5-lobed, nearly glabrous on both sides; petiole shorter to longer than blade; stipule small, lanceolate-ovate, acuminate, margin sparesly ciliate. Flowers axillary, solitary: pedicel 8-13 cm long, nearly glabrous, jointed near the apex; epicalyx segments 3, broad ovate, cordate at base, 12-15 mm across, accrescent in fruit, glabrous, margin ciliate. Calyx 5 lobed, 1.5-2 times longer than epicalyx, lobes broad lanceolate to ovate, glabrous, margin ciliate. Corolla 5-6 cm across, rosy to purple; petals twice the length of calyx, obovate, hairy at base. Staminal tube glabrous, 1-1.5 cm long. Mericarps numerous.
Type: Described from Baetica, Spain (MA).
Distribution: Mediterranean, N. Africa and Spain, elsewhere cultivated. In Pakistan it is occasionally cultivated.
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